This 30-day personal study will help you understand how your words are directing your life–and give you the tools to re-chart your course toward blessing and wholeness in every key relationship. It’s like an oil change for the soul…
The Beatitudes in Matthew 5 are easy to skip over because at first reading they don’t appear all that winsome. In fact, some of them even look a little daunting. Yet they hold the bold promise of a blessed life!
DOING LIFE WITH is a “field guide” for becoming a disciple who disciples. Punctuated with personal stories from the author’s own discipleship journey, this book casts a vision for—and offers the tools for—transforming the world with the decidedly low-tech approach of personal, ongoing relationship.
Paul writes the book of Romans to describe how the gospel transforms, not just our eternal destiny, but our earthly future together. Personal suffering, relational rifts, behavioral addictions, church divisions, and even community fragmentation—all these are healed and restored by the gospel…
The power to heal, physically and emotionally. The power to have the right words to say at the right time. The power to see people who are open and hungry—just like Jesus did—and lead them to the Source of Life…

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