


The Path to a Healthy Marriage

Question: What is the best thing you can bring to your marriage?

Answer: A healthy you!

Marriage “issues” (otherwise known as problems) basically arise from our lack of emotional and spiritual health. And FYI, no one just gets healthy and stays there. Becoming healthy is an ongoing process called life. The thing about marriage is that it is designed to reveal and resolve the unhealthy parts of our soul. Why is this?

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GPS for the Soul

It is the Father’s heart to bless His children. Go no further than Genesis 1:28, “God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, fill, subdue, and rule….” Of course Adam’s mess led us into the opposite: curses.

But watch God choose Abram and renew His original intention: “And I will bless you… And so you shall be a blessing… And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:2-3). It is God’s heart to restore the blessings. So why aren’t more people blessed? Everyone wants to be blessed: that’s a no-brainer!

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